Have you ever felt guilty for wanting to have the best of the best? A huge house, a fancy car, elaborate vacations, a closet full of all the name brands, or gobs of money in the bank?
Have you ever thought:
Is it OK to Want Money & What Money Can Buy?
Well, let’s see what we can find in the Word of God!
Did you know that God is extravagant & wealthy and wants the best of everything? It’s true. He created the world and everything in it and saw that it was very good! The Earth is full of valuable things. Precious metals, like gold and silver, as well as costly stones, like rubies and diamonds. When you think of other items of value, such as fine linens and leathers or even wood, did He not create the materials needed for these things as well? We operate and trade in a world God created. Believe me, He understands the need for money, and he understands the systems in which money moves and works.
In 1 Kings, chapters 6 & 7, King Solomon built the Temple for the Lord. He spared no expense. He hired thousands of men who were highly experienced and gifted craftsmen. He also shipped in ridiculously expensive wood and stone from another region, as well as gold, silver, and bronze. He spent a pretty penny! It was said that this house for God was without equal. All of the attention to detail was done to honor and glorify God. Only the best of the best for the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Speaking of Heaven, Revelation 21:18-21 says Heaven has streets of Gold and gates made of giant solid pearls. To be more specific, it says the entire CITY is pure gold, and the foundations of the jasper walls are made of emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, and other precious stones.
God is Rich!
As His children, we share in this wealth and this promise of an inheritance. Many servants of the Lord throughout the Bible were blessed and highly favored with wealth out the wazoo!
Abraham, for instance, had countless livestock and many servants/employees. Lots of silver and gold. And acres upon acres of land with homes sprinkled all over it. (Genesis 13:2) He was a friend of God. They were such good friends that Abraham KNEW God. His faith and friendship pleased God, and God rewarded him. Abraham was not a “self-made” man. He may have been an intelligent, hard worker and a great steward, much to his benefit, but he believed every opportunity and every good thing in life was God-given, and he set this example for us all to follow.
Throughout scripture, it is clear that God wants us to prosper. Prosperity is a gift to us, along with the wisdom to steward all he has given us for his purposes and glory.
Should Money Be Our Focus?
I love this story in Luke 12:15-21, Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people, and someone had asked him a question regarding money. How he answers this person is a real kicker.
“Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” Then he told them a story: “A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. He said to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops.’ Then he said, ‘I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store all my wheat and other goods. And I’ll sit back and say to myself, “My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now, take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!”’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’ “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”
Luke 12:15-21 NLT
Here you have a rich rancher saying, “I have all these things. Now I need a bigger garage!” and his wife is saying, “Yeah, Honey, and I need a bigger closet while you’re at it!” But what is God saying? That wealth shouldn’t be our focus. Relationship should be. When we look at the life of Abraham, he had the relationship and the blessings followed!
Further down in verses 31 & 33, Jesus is no longer speaking to the crowd. He is now speaking directly to His disciples. I can just imagine Him lowering his voice as if to tell them something really special.
“Seek First the Kingdom above all else, and he will give you everything you need.“
Jesus actually tells His disciples to sell their possessions and give to those in need. That they would store up treasure in heaven this way.
The disciples were being asked to rise.
To go further than the crowd.
They had a higher calling.
As his disciples, we do, too.
Verse 34, “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
Our focus and heart’s desire should always be our relationship with God.
When you truly seek God, you won’t want what you think you’ll want. You’ll really just want more of him. You’re not going to care about boats or name brands or ‘what money can buy’.
You’ll know God and He’ll show you his heart- and you begin to care about what He cares about, which is others.
He gives instruction in His word to help others, support ministries and nonprofits, and care for widows, orphans & the homeless. You’ll be seeking the KINGDOM and as you seek the Kingdom, you’ll find you have everything you NEED. As you read the word of God, you’ll be taught the importance of stewardship and investments, too!
You’ll end up giving more than you spend.
Let’s Get Personal
There was a time in my life when all I could think about was having a big ole house with thick crown molding and wood floors. I also needed a pool, a hot tub, a room for a home gym, and a three-car garage! When things become our focus, we end up spending all our time working for selfish, materialistic ambitions. Then we wonder why we are burnt out and too busy or too tired from our work week to volunteer in our community.
As a disciple of Christ, Jesus is speaking directly to you and me today.
“Would you sell all your possessions?” (Is there anything in your home more important to you than me?)
I take an honest assessment. I look around my home and find there is nothing more important to me than him. I WOULD SELL IT ALL. My greatest treasure isn’t even this diamond ring on my finger. My treasure is Him and this life he has given me… a beautiful and blessed life that I wholeheartedly give back to him, in service, to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And guess what? My Father in Heaven takes careful care of me. It is his generous pleasure to do so. (Luke 12:32)
God made the Earth and everything in it. Ironically, we once had to explore and search deeply for the things of greatest value in this world, such as diamonds, silver, and gold; they were hidden far beneath the surface.
Perhaps this has been a test for us all along?
What will the human race search for?
Riches or Relationship?
The Lord would rather us choose to search for him.
God is extravagant & wealthy and wants the best of everything.

Rachael Strickland
A little something about me! Well, I LOVE to sing and have been leading others in worship since I was 11 years old. Music has always been a huge part of my life, whether I’m singing a ridiculous version of opera while washing the dishes or leading worship for the multitudes. I’ve always had a strong desire to be a light and lead the way, and I have served wholeheartedly at CommonGround church for over 10 years.