I was out walking along the river one day late last fall; it was an unusually warm day, and I definitely had dressed too warm! I slipped my shoes off and stuck my feet into the water to cool off a bit. WOW!! Now, that is what I call refreshing!
As I was strolling along the water’s edge, I was praying and seeking God for His wisdom and direction in my life, my family, my church, my pastors, Beautiful YOU women…and so on and so on…
A little further down, along the shoreline, were a couple of large rocks. The wind was blowing ever so softly; the boats were out on the water enjoying one last good day before winter. The birds were out all along the water, some on the water bobbing up and down, and some flying low all in a row. I climbed up on one of the rocks, one that was bigger than the other two nestled together, all the while thinking back to when I was a kid with no responsibilities and not a care in the world. At that very moment, I was Queen of the Rock on that river; no one could take that away from me!
As I stepped upon the rock, the Holy Spirit started talking to me. He said, “You see the rock you’re standing on right now?” I said, “Yes, what about it?” He said, “Do you see how smooth this rock is? How appealing it looks? Look to the left at the holey one; it looks like a sponge doesn’t it?” “Yes”, I said. He then said, “Step onto that rock! You are now standing on the ROCK of your salvation, soaking up all of my wisdom and knowledge that I have given to you freely! All of my power and authority I have given to you! All you have to do is simply receive it! I will reveal things to you and my people. Stop making life so hard and complicated!”
All I could think of in that moment is how I had been so vain, yes vain, in my thinking! What does it matter how I dress or what I look like to others? All I should be concerned about is how people see me! Do they see Christ when they look at me? Do they see the Light of Jesus? What about when I speak; what do they hear? My hope is that ALL people will see me with the eyes of Jesus, and hear His Word coming out of my mouth; only speaking words of love, affirmation, and Godly wisdom! But, I know that not to be true because I am not perfect in any way or by any means! So my question to you is, are you concerned about being all smooth and pretty on the outside while empty on the inside or being holey (Holy) and porous on the outside, soaking up GOD’s goodness while being beautiful on the inside? What is more important to YOU?
Psalms 37:30 The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.
Psalms 49:3 My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.
Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 8:11 Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?
Written by : Lisa Turner