Why Do You Do What You Do
The Wednesday after our Holy Spirit drenched women’s revival, I was talking with God, just thanking Him for everything He had done. It was beyond incredible! I was still pondering over the moment God, (right before I was to speak), told me He wanted me to speak about something other than the message I had prepared. Something other than the message I have fasted and prayed months over! It was revealed at the Retreat why He asked me to change it, but to be completely honest – the obedience before the why was difficult. So while I’m talking with God, in awe of everything He did, and still a little bruised He asked me; “Why do you do what you do”?
I thought, that’s a peculiar question; You know why. It’s because I love You. He spoke again; “Yes, you do love me, but why do you do what you do? Then He spoke this to my heart; “when you know the why, then you’ll understand how far you’ll go for the “why”.
This really puzzled me; I knew there was something I was supposed to understand about “me”. Why do I do what I do? How far am I willing to go for the “why”? Hmmm…
So I took out paper and started writing out the different things I did and why I did them. Over the coarse of the next couple of days I would add to the list, break that list down, then break it down some more. It looked like a family tree by the time I was complete.
At the top was, “Love God”, in the middle was everything I do for family, church, friends, work, and myself.
At the bottom was the why, “TO PLEASE GOD”!
Now wait a minute, isn’t that the same as, because I love You God? No, it’s not. They are connected, but they are not the same. This started me thinking, I know God loves me unconditionally, but…..can He be more or less pleased with me? Here is what the Scripture says:
Colossians 1:9-10
[I pray that you would] walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him.
Paul prays that these believers would be fully pleasing to the Lord by walking in a way that is worthy of him. So if they walk worthily of him, God will be more pleased with them than if they do not.
2 Corinthians 5:9
So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.
Pleasing God was not something Paul had already attained. It was something at which he aimed. He wanted to live in such a way that God had more pleasure in him.
Ephesians 5:8-10
Walk as children of light, and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.
Paul wants us to ask — what can I do that will please the Lord? Which means there are some actions that would please God more, and some that would please God less.
Other great examples are found in Colossians 3:20; 1 Thessalonians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:1; 1 Timothy 2:3; and 1 Timothy 5:4.
So, can God feel greater or lesser pleasure in me? The answer is Yes.
Even though I am completely forgiven and clothed with Jesus’ perfect righteousness, by faith alone, when I do obey Him, I am more pleasing to Him!. When I don’t obey I am less pleasing to Him.
What will never change is —
God’s passionate love and care for us (Romans 8:38-39).
God’s complete forgiveness of us (Romans 8:1)
God will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
God’s commitment to keep us persevering to the end (Jude 1:24-25).
God’s love, forgiveness, and care for us never change. But his pleasure in us can change.
So Why Do I Do What I Do – I Want to Please God!
How far will I go – I pray farther than I could ever imagine!
Written by Tammie Beyer