Who or what is shaping your life? Most of us are shaped by the world; however, there are a few who will be shaped by the Word of God.
Here are a few things that have shaped my life: my childhood, environment, family, friends, MY thoughts, and then the best of all, the Word of God. Have you ever heard the saying “birds of a feather flock together” or “you become like those who you hang around with” or how about “you show me your friends and I will tell you where you will be in five years”?
Our childhood experiences and environment have majorly shaped our lives by the time we have turned five. A lot of my choices and reactions now will come from those experiences and thoughts I carry with me from those early days. The master potter knew me before I was born. (Is. 44:24) He had a purpose and a plan for my life. (Jer. 29:11) I really did not understand how a good God would allow those things to shape my life as they were; however, once I accepted Christ at the age of 37, I found out that he will work all things together for the good of those who love Him. (Roman 8:28) The master potter knows every hair upon my head! (Lk 12:7) That is amazing to me because I seem to have a problem remembering all my grandchildren’s birthdays!
The potter created me with a plan for my life; my parents had the responsibility to raise me to the best of their ability. My choices throughout life continued to shape me, along with my friends and thoughts from days gone by. When I accepted Christ, he had to knead me, re-shape me and place me back on the potter’s wheel. There have been many days that I could feel the potter squeezing me tightly as I was spinning around out of control as he was trying to form me into the likeness of his image. There are times that I would collapse under pressure then he would have to begin the re-shaping yet again, applying pressure, working out all the impurities and bringing back my integrity in Him.
There are times when I have been put on the shelf to dry out (meaning to live life) When I would falter, I could sense the potter rewetting his hands and putting me yet again on that wheel for re-shaping. As my creator formed me he would begin to add some special design to my character, he would use a knife to cut away some things that were not very pleasing to him, then he would take a fine wire and trim things off the top that did not need to be there. He would then very gently begin to slow the wheel for some final touches before placing me on the shelf where I would be left, to see how I would act from all the training and shaping that had taken place.
On that shelf I felt empty, insignificant, lost and broken. These seasons in life could take a long time depending on how I reacted to being on the shelf. When times became too hard, he would tell me just a little while longer, then I can put you into the Kiln for your final touches; as I sit in the fire, I remember that he never leaves me nor forsakes me (Heb. 13:5), and that I will come out beautiful and transformed, that He is with me through the fire (Dan 3:25). To be good and do the works of the Lord, I must go into the fire. Once I am removed from the kiln, I can be used of the Lord. I am a worthy vessel, whether to be poured out, filled up, or just a decoration, I must go through the fire. This transformation of the vessel that God is doing with us is amazing. It makes me think of the Japanese Kintsugi. They take a broken vessel and place it back together with tree sap. Then they apply the sap and place the pieces where they belong and allow the vessel to dry. Then the master will sand the vessel and apply gold over the seams and holes that have been filled with the sap. When completed, the gold makes it a NEW master piece, which is exactly what the Father will do with all our brokenness when he puts us back together, we are a NEW MASTER PIECE.

Written by Leandra Hines