The in-between time
Do you remember this old song? It has been playing over and over in my thoughts lately: “In the in between time, when you feel the pressure coming on, remember that He loves you and He promises to stay.” Here is the whole chorus by John Fischer
Praise (Love) Him in the morning when you see the sun a-rising
Praise (Love) Him in the evening ’cause He took you through the day
And in the in-between-time when you feel the pressure coming
Remember that He loves you and He promises to stay
We all go through seasons. Sometimes life is smooth, sometimes it is hard, sometimes it is scary, sometimes it is exciting, sometimes there is lack, sometimes there is abundance, sometimes we have clear direction, sometimes we have none. So, what do we do in those in between times- you know the times I am talking about. The times when pressure hits, fear tries to attack, lack seems to prevail, darkness looms.
I can think of so many times when I found myself in the in-between times…… Sometimes it was job related, sometimes it was centered around family or close relationships, sometimes it was about needing direction, sometimes it was about provision. I have an amazing job, but because we are a nonprofit, funding is always an issue. We have had 3 years of watching change after change, cut after cut and wondering if we will have jobs very much longer. My son was scheduled to leave for the Air Force and a motorcycle accident and the doctor’s miss-documentation threatened to end his career before it started. I could go on…. However, you get the picture…. We all have stuff we are dealing with. So, I went to the Word to look for examples of what was done in the in-between time. Are you ready?
Let’s start with Paul and Silas: Before prison they were about the Fathers business. Teaching and preaching. They cast out a demon in a slave girl. Her owners were angry at the profit they would lose. So, they accused them of disturbing the city. They were beaten, sent to jail and their feet were fastened to stocks. This could not be comfortable. (Sometimes we are in uncomfortable situations.) I don’t imagine this is where they wanted to be. They found themselves in an in between place. They did not start asking God why He had allowed this to happen to them. No, they began to pray and sing. They were choosing to worship and praise Him! The result, the jailer and his whole family were saved! Oh, and God took care of them. He sent an earthquake to loose their bonds and gave them favor with the officials. (Acts 16:16-40)
Let’s take a look at the thief on the cross who repented. He was in between life and death. Both physically and spiritually. He did not join the other thief in mocking Jesus and looking for an escape. Instead, he choose to repent and look to Jesus. The result, Jesus forgave Him and changed his destiny. (Luke 23:39-43)
What about Jesus. He had in between times as well. Let’s look at Gethsemane. Jesus finds Himself in an extremely stressful situation. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” Jesus was preparing to go to the cross. He had been about His Fathers business. Lives were being changed. He wasn’t yet glorified. He was not yet reunited with His Father in Heaven. However, Jesus saw the greater purpose. His surrender, His extreme uncomfortableness, His death would lead to eternal life for those who believe. What did He do during this time? He prayed. He surrounded Himself with close friends. He surrendered to the Fathers Will. On his knees, in prayer, He found strength and peace to finish what He came to do. (Matthew 26:36-46)
What is your in between time? It may seem small and insignificant or gigantic and impossible. Whatever it is, God wants to be involved and He has a plan.
Points to remember:
- Be thankful for the in between times. Praise Him! God’s purposes are greater than ours are. (Remember the jailers’ family who was saved because of Paul and Silas’s in between time?)
- Repent and turn to Jesus. If you have not given your life to Christ and asked Him to forgive you, now is a great time to ask for His forgiveness and make Him Your Lord. If you have not said yes to what He is telling you, now is the perfect time to say “Yes, Lord. Your will not my will.”
- Seek the Father’s Will. Surrender to Him. Surround yourself with Godly friends.
“When you feel the pressure coming on, remember that He loves you and He promises to stay.”