Natural Springs

This past March I was at a Prayer retreat – God was showing me so much about his flow, and how he wants to strengthen us and use us by his spirit. This is how a natural spring is created: Springs occur when water pressure causes a natural flow of groundwater onto the earth’s surface. … This pressure moves water Read More

Wisdom is Not Enough

What comes to mind when you hear the name, Solomon? Wisdom? Wealth? Indiana Jones? Solomon was King David’s son and successor to his throne. Solomon had a front-row seat to the trials and blessings of being King-watching his father David. Before Solomon even became King, God chose him over David to be the one to build His Temple, God’s permanent Read More

Freedom to Choose

Matthew 18:24-27 talks about a servant owing a debt of about $10 million in our time. When the servant fell on his knees and begged for his master to be patient with him, the master had pity on him and canceled his debt. I started thinking about my debt of sin, at everything wrong which I have done, or thought, and Read More

The Journey

In all my years of listening and receiving in church, I never thought I would have a testimony worth sharing. I never had an earth-shattering moment of getting saved and turning from my wicked ways, I’ve always loved Jesus, and I’ve always served Him with my whole heart. It was this last year (2020), as I was working through some Read More

The Ripple Effect

Do you ever look around at others who are making a difference and question whether you can do the same? Sometimes it just takes one act of obedience, surrender, courage, passion, or generosity to dramatically affect the lives of others. When Moses obeyed God (though reluctantly) and confronted Pharaoh, the people of Israel were delivered from bondage (Exodus 12:31-50). Esther’s Read More

Don’t Postpone Joy

Last year marked something new, something different. Things started shifting and moving.  I’ve been locked in and locked out. I’ve been shut in and shut up. I’ve been passionate. Sometimes a little too passionate. I’ve spoken when I should have remained silent and remained silent when I should have spoken. I’ve felt this urgency, an urgency I can’t explain. And Read More