Come and See: Following Jesus Boldly and Without Delay

I looked forward to Vacation Bible School every summer when I was a kid.  I loved learning about Jesus, memorizing Bible verses, and singing songs like I‘ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart, and Deep and Wide.  I was particularly fond of the story about how Jesus called His disciples to follow Him.  The other day, I wanted to Read More

Wait Till Spring Comes

Have you ever felt as if you are in the longest winter season of your life? I’m not talking about the actual season of Winter, but a spiritual season of Winter. Well, it has for me, I feel as if this has been an extremely long winter season, and I could definitely use some springtime in my life about right Read More

Joy: What Are You Choosing?

I was going through a devotional on the YouVersion Bible app regarding Joy. These are a few of my takeaways from that devotional. Bible plan is Walking in Joy: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-day bible-Reading Plan. Joy Isn’t Optional I thought to myself, what do you mean Joy isn’t optional? Psalm 119:1-3 NLT Joyful are people of integrity, who Read More

Trusting God???

Entering 2022, my thoughts keep going to “Trusting God.” As I look back at 2021 and my walk with God, the things I went through, and the words I believe God had given me, I began to ponder, “Do I really trust God?”  Yes, I do want to trust God. I do want to believe what He had given me in scripture Read More

I Ain’t Playing

I like to think of myself as a light-hearted person who likes to tease and playfully banter with my friends. But, one area I do not play in is my stance against satan. He is evil, a liar, and he wants to steal your joy. Don’t you let him!!! I have been amazed at all the stories in the Bible Read More