The In-Between Time

The in-between time Do you remember this old song? It has been playing over and over in my thoughts lately:  “In the in between time, when you feel the pressure coming on, remember that He loves you and He promises to stay.”  Here is the whole chorus by John Fischer Praise (Love) Him in the morning when you see the Read More

Why God?

I have found myself over the past few years asking God “Why? Why? Why?” Why did my marriage fail? Why did my children stop talking to me? Why have I missed out on my beautiful granddaughters first, second, third, and soon to be fourth birthday? Why have friends turned against me? Why is work such a struggle? Essentially, why is Read More

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why Do You Do What You Do   The Wednesday after our Holy Spirit drenched women’s revival, I was talking with God, just thanking Him for everything He had done. It was beyond incredible! I was still pondering over the moment God, (right before I was to speak), told me He wanted me to speak about something other than the Read More

Spiritual Sponge

May 11, 2018 Spiritual Sponge Several weeks ago I was attending a women’s retreat. It was beautiful; God’s presence was in the place. I have experienced moments like this many times before; however, this particular time was different. Some women were praying, while others were praising the lord, all were worshiping God in their own ways. The spirit of God Read More

Just Thinking of Thoughts

I recently shared a story about one of the things I would do when I was angry or frustrated as a teenager. I would ask one of my brothers to go with me to the playground of our neighborhood school.  We would take a baseball and bat with us.  I would have him pitch the ball to me and I would Read More

The Truth! The Whole Truth! And Nothing But The Truth! That’s My God!

I have a confession to make! I do not watch the News very often or the History Channel or the Discovery Channel or many other channels.  More often than not I want to throw my shoe through the television because of the perpetual Lie that the World lives under! There are only two realities in the entire Universe, the Truth and the Lie.  Before Read More

Rain, Rain, Go Away

“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day . . .” – that’s what was playing in my head as I stared out the window at the dreary, rainy day. I was on a weekend retreat at a beautiful place by the lake, but stuck inside due to the weather. As I looked thru the window at the lake in Read More

My Safe Place!

Where is your safe place when everything seems to be falling apart? When the storms of life like big waves just keep trying to wash you away! Well for me, it has always been running to Jesus and worshiping Him. When I get my eyes off the waves and all the emotions that come with the hurt and frustration, I Read More

Drivers Start Your Engines!

The drivers of NASCAR did not start out as professional drivers; they had to train. It takes time, patience, and dedication, in order to obtain the skills needed to drive as they do around the racetrack. Have you ever seen a minivan on the track? No! Minivans are not built to drive or withstand the racetrack the same way as Read More