Our Amazing God

Have you ever read a Scripture and thought, wow!

Well, that happened to me not too long ago. When that happened, I decided to read the whole chapter of Psalms 147. This is what I would like to share with you today.

As I read this chapter, I made it personal.

Verse 1 begins with, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! How beautiful it is when (you and me) sing (our, my) praises to the beautiful God! For praise makes (you and me) lovely before Him and brings Him great delight!

I am lovely, you are lovely, when we praise our beautiful God. It brings Him great delight!

Verse 2-6 says: the Lord builds up Jerusalem (me and you). He gathers up the outcast and brings them home. He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. He sets his stars in place calling them all by their names. How great is our God!

There’s absolutely nothing His power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything. God supports and strengthens the humble. The ungodly will be brought down to dust. Additionally, verses 2-6 shows that our Creator knows how to build us up. He heals our wounds. When we feel like our hearts or emotions are shattered, He heals them. He also sets the stars in place and calls them by name. This says to me, He sets us in the place where He wants us, and He calls us by our names.

In verse 5 it tells us, there is nothing His power cannot accomplish. He has infinite (limitless or endless) understanding of everything. There is nothing He cannot accomplish in your life. He has total understanding about you. Psalms 139:13 through 16 states He formed you. He knows you! He is your creator! He is your dad!

Verse 6 God states He will support and strengthen the humble, which is (mine and your) choice. It is our choice to stay humble. Then He will always support and strengthen us.

Verse 7 says, Sing out with songs of thanksgiving to the Lord! Let’s (me and you) sing our praises with melodies overflowing!

Verses 8 through 9 goes along with the verses in Matthew 6:25 through 32. Do not worry. Verse 8 says, He fills the sky with clouds, sending showers to water the earth so that grass springs up on the mountain fields and the earth produces food for man. Verse 9 states, all the birds and beasts who cry with hunger to Him are fed from his hands.

As I continued reading the next 11 verses in Psalms 147, I would like to share with you what really spoke to me out of Tony Evans Bible commentary.

Psalms 147 goes onto say in verses 10 through 14. What impresses God? What does he value? Not the things that typically capture the attention of mankind. Powerful warriors in the armies for instance, are nothing to him! Rather God cherishes those who fear him and hope in his faithful love. In other words, if you humbly submit to his Kingdom agenda and live in dependence on him, you can rest assured that God will be crazy about you! He loves to bless his people!

In verses 15 through 20 the Psalmist exalts God for his Word. For by his Word, He exercised control over the elements of nature, but even more, He is to be praised for the word that He revealed specifically to His people, which was Israel.

However, God’s new covenant people should similarly exalt Him for the special revelation of both the written Word, and the living Word, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your sister and servant in His service;

Paula E Mace



Paula Mace