Where is your safe place when everything seems to be falling apart? When the storms of life like big waves just keep trying to wash you away! Well for me, it has always been running to Jesus and worshiping Him.
When I get my eyes off the waves and all the emotions that come with the hurt and frustration, I think of Jesus and begin to thank Him for being there and remember that I’m never alone. I thank Him for His grace, kindness, and amazing love; I raise my hands, surrender, and just give Him my heart. For that is what he treasures; One on one, just Him and me.
It’s so amazing when the atmosphere of heaven comes to earth. It’s a place I don’t want to leave. I want to just sit at His feet and breathe. We can have this by ourselves or we can come together in corporate Worship. It’s always amazing how the Holy Spirit and the Love of Jesus always shows up and speaks to our hearts.
So I have a few questions for you to ponder:
- Do you want God’s atmosphere here on earth at it is in heaven?
- Do you know what is needed to have that experience?
- Do you know what to do to have it?
- Is there a ladder to climb?
- Does it have to be perfect?
- Can it be my song, my words?
It’s difficult for life to be on earth as it is in heaven if we’re unfamiliar with its atmosphere! What atmosphere? Worship! We can always worship at any time, and anywhere. He’s always there! He’s in us! He’s our hope and faithful friend.
Where do you want to be? I want to be absolutely overwhelmed by who He really is…and be who I really am in Him. A person, a daughter made for worship. Family!!
Take hold of His invitation to live the upgraded life of a worshipper and see what happens. God created us to be Worshippers forever. Think about it…in Heaven, we won’t need teachers or prophets anymore. There’s no end to our identity as worshippers. We are created for worship!
Here are my answers to the above questions. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you?
- Yes, I always want His presence in my life. So I can worship anytime, anywhere.
- A heart that is open to Him.
- Take action to surrender your heart to Him. He is always faithful to be there. Full of Love!
- There is no ladder to climb. Jesus made away for us to boldly go before the throne of God.
- He said to come just as you are. He is a Big God! Jesus paid the price. You are His hearts treasure!
- He wants you! He created you unique and wants an intimate relationship with just you. Sing your heart out; Use your own words from your heart. I myself will go out in the backyard, look to the
stars, and sing to Him – I feel so connected to Him! Sing in the shower – there is no wrong place!
By Alice Long