Associate Pastor Tammie Beyer

I am blessed to have been married to my best friend, Jerry, for over 27 years. I am a mother to 3 amazing adult children, 1 son in-law, and 1 daughter in-law. I am Mimi to 5 extraordinary grandchildren who can do no wrong. 

I have attended CommonGround Church for over 11 years where I have been the Women's Ministry Leader for the past 6 years. In 2017, I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership and was ordained by my beloved Pastors. My passion for God is undeniable and my greatest wish is to be more like Him, to always be about His work, and to never doubt His promises. Mark 9:23 Everything is possible for one who believes.
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Pastor Kim Dillingham

I live to share the love of God with anyone and everyone I meet! I love being a godly wife to my husband, Tom, and homeschooling mom to three of our boys. We have five incredible sons, two of which are in college.

The oldest is getting married in May of 2018, so we well be adding a lovely daughter to the mix! My husband and I began in ministry over 25 years ago as youth pastors. In 2005, we answered God's call to start and pastor CommonGround Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma and have seen God use His church to reach and change many lives. Our purpose at CommonGround, and the purpose of my life is to bring people to know the Lord Jesus Christ and help them fulfill their purpose in Him. I graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1990 with a bachelor's degree in music education. I enjoy all types of music, DIY projects, art, writing, and preaching and teaching God's work. Every person who doesn't know Jesus as their Lord is our mission field, and everyone who does, is a missionary.
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Collette Sawyer

My true passion is encouraging other women to find their hope, joy, peace, and direction in our Lord Jesus. God has a plan for each one of us; I love helping ladies discover and fulfill God’s call on their lives.   James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you”.  We have the privilege and responsibility to draw near to Him; we also have the assurance that when we do so, He will draw near to us.


Tom and I have been married for over 28 years and have been blessed with one son.  We met while working for Oral Roberts University and have lived in Tulsa our entire married life.  We love to travel and spend time together.  I have been early child care education for my entire adult life.  I began as a preschool teacher, then moved to administration, followed by coaching and consulting. I am currently serving as a business consultant manager, assisting our business consultants throughout the state of Oklahoma as they assist childcare providers with business practices and leadership skills.
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Stephanie Solberg

I am a Jesus follower and a truth seeker by nature. My true passion is studying God's Word and sharing His truth with others. I serve in the women's ministry and write and lead Bible studies at my local church. I am Kerry’s wife and the mother of Madison, Alyssa, and Matt. We also have a son-in-law named Austin. Our family is completed by our two dogs, Molly, and Maggie, and our two grand-doods Ace & Primrose.

I serve in the women's ministry and write and lead Bible studies at my local church. I am also the co-founder of the DEEP Bible Study Method, a Bible study system that aims to help individuals dive deeper into the Word of God. My go-to verse is "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands." Psalms 63:1-4
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Making Him Known
Rachael Strickland

A little something about me! Well, I LOVE to sing and have been leading others in worship since I was 11 years old. Music has always been a huge part of my life, whether I’m singing a ridiculous version of opera while washing the dishes or leading worship for the multitudes. I’ve always had a strong desire to be a light and lead the way, and I have served wholeheartedly at CommonGround church for over 10 years.

There are 6 of us in my beautiful family and my husband and I are getting close to 20 years of marriage! We have 4 amazing kids and are in the thick of teen years and upper elementary! Some of my hobbies include fitness and health, as well as shopping and expressing myself through clothing and home decor. I love to creatively rearrange and organize spaces and decorate for the holidays and a good before and after is my jam!
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Christie Coffman

I have attended CommonGround for the past 14 years and am thankful for the first day that I stepped inside its doors. Through the leadership of the church, I have grown so much in my walk with Jesus. I have gone deeper, and I have matured so much. I continue to grow and look forward to going deeper in my love for God. I have a passion for serving people and God. I have been a part of many teams over the years.

I have a beautiful 22-year-old daughter. She is my sunshine, for sure. I am celebrating 13 years on my job. And I’ve run the cleaning team at the church for about 12 years as well. I enjoy hanging out with friends, shopping, and just doing anything I can to have fun. My go-to verse is Jeremiah 29:13, you will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.
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Paula Mace

I love being a wife, mother, and grandmother. I was blessed to have been born in a family where my dad was in the ministry.  My love, Wilson Mace, is my husband who I have been married to this September, for 34 years.  Melissa, Ryan, and LaVonne are three beautiful gifts from God. 

To keep me young I have seven fun, loving grandchildren, four girls and three boys. I enjoy spending time with family every third Sunday of the month. My passion is to spend time with my husband talking, watching TV, riding the motorcycle, or just spending time together.  I have been coming to Common Ground for three years. I love meeting and welcoming people into the church. My husband and I have two connection groups Leadership by Influence and Forever Young.
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Cindy Keener

I am a child of the most-High God and wife to a godly husband, Dennis, for over 40 years, a mother of 3 grown children, 13 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren. My greatest gift I have is to love people with the love of the Lord. I love to talk to the Lord and pray for others, and to see people become to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

My interests are walking, reading and spending time with family. My favorite scripture is 1 John 5:14-15 NKJV "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
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Tina McChristian

My true passion is pleasing Jesus Christ and getting closer to him daily.   I try to start each day by reading his word and trying to grow in him, my goal is to be just like Jesus.   I want to be an example to my daughter, Alyssa so she grows up to be a strong follower of God.  I currently serve on the prayer team and worship team at Common Ground Church.  I have been singing most of my life, while singing I hope to please God and give him the Glory. 

I am currently a stay-at-home mom and am blessed to home school my daughter Alyssa.  Before being a stay-at-home mom, I worked in Banking for thirty-one years.  I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Management at University of Nevada Las Vegas, and my Masters Degree in Science in Leadership from Grand Canyon University.  In my spare time I love to sew, travel, camp, and Mike and I love to shop for antiques.  We hope to open our own antique store one day where we will also sell items we both make. I am married to my wonderful husband, Michael.  We got married in 2012 and had our daughter Alyssa in 2013.  Mike and I went to high school together, but lost touch.  We got back in touch with each other over Facebook while he was serving in Afghanistan.  After dating over the phone and internet as soon as he returned from Afghanistan we got married. 
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Kathie Henrie

I am a worshipper of our Lord. There is nothing that brings me more joy! “How blessed are the people who worship you, Oh LORD, they experience your favor.” Psalms 89:15. I have a passion for women and to help them find a deep relationship with God. I am excited for the future and to walk out the plans God has for me. I graduated from Xplore Nations Bible School and the University of Tulsa.

I am a first-generation Christian and have been married to my loving husband for 46 years. I have two wonderful sons and a special daughter-in-law. I am a grandmother to three terrific grandchildren who all love Jesus.
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Amy Dodson

I have been married to my best friend, John Dodson, for 11 years now. I am a mom to 4 awesome kids, 1 daughter, 3 sons, 2 bonus sons, 2 daughter-in-loves, and Gammy to 5 beautiful girls. I have been attending CommonGround for 4 years now, and it’s felt like home since the first time I walked through the doors. 

I’ve known God my whole life but have really dug deep and strengthened my relationship with him over the past few years. I’m really excited to share what he’s been teaching me and hope that it helps someone who may be going through a tough time. I’ve been serving in the sound booth twice a month for a couple of years and have recently started singing lessons, so I hope to be able to join the worship team soon! I love watching my boys play baseball and spend the majority of my free time in the spring/summer following them to their games. I’m their #1 fan. I also enjoy spending time with my whole family, playing games, dancing, and crafting.
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