We live in a real world where difficult and even terrible things happen. While my particular situation may differ from yours, the truth remains the same. My heart skipped a few beats as I answered the phone to hear the caller say my son was involved in a motorcycle accident and was in the emergency room. Let me put your hearts to rest, he is OK. Bruised, stitched up, and awaiting surgery on his broken knee. I am so extremely grateful that my son is alive and not injured more than he was.
But can I be honest with you? Through this ordeal, I have cried out more than once….. “God, I need you to show up. I need miracles.” My friends and family were praying. We needed answers.
We were dealing with insurance companies and the military. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry or care near as much as this momma did. My son was in extreme pain. He couldn’t get up and do simple tasks on his own. Eating was a chore. Do you know how heartbreaking it is to hear your 21-year-old son scream out in pain, and there is not much you can do?

I had a friend tell me that everything she prayed for regarding my son, the opposite seemed to be happening. I replied, “I know…. I have been telling God, I really need you to show up.” I went through times of wondering if my prayers and those of my friends and even my pastor really made a difference. God didn’t seem to be showing up the way I needed him to.
God took me on a journey of trusting Him. It is easy to say I love God and trust Him when things are smooth, and my prayers are getting answered. But, now I had a chance to place my trust in Him even when it didn’t seem like He was hearing me.
I made a choice to love God, to trust Him regardless. To trust Him when it didn’t make sense. To believe He was at work – even when I didn’t see it. Share on XI came to the point of once again, fully surrendering my life to Him….. including the most precious gift He had given me: my son. Father, Your Kingdom come. Your will be done.
As I was driving to a meeting this morning, the Lord spoke to my heart. He reminded me of the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Let me walk you through the story.
Lazarus had become very sick. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus, “The one you love is sick.” This is the same Mary who poured perfume on his feet and dried them with her hair. She loved the Lord.
They needed Jesus to show up. They needed a miracle. Jesus received the message and replied, “This sickness will not end in death, no it is for God’s glory, so that God’s son may be glorified through it.” Jesus waited two more days before he told His disciples it was time to go to Lazarus. (What???? That doesn’t make sense to the natural mind.) Before Jesus made it to Lazarus, Lazarus died.
God’s timing is not the same as our timing. His methods are not our methods. Share on XFor my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
Thinking of this story….. I thought about how we often pray: I need you to show up now, not start your journey towards me in two days. Can you relate? I have great news, God is a big God, and He is OK and even desires for us to be real with Him. Share your heart. Share your struggle. Tell him your fears, your frustrations, and your disappointments.
Martha hears that Jesus is near, so she goes to Him. Listen to her heart and her faith. “If you had been here, my brother would not have died. But, I know even now, God will give you whatever you ask.” When she gets Mary, Mary also tells Jesus….. “If you had been here, he would not have died.”

Here is where the story takes another compelling turn. When Jesus saw Mary and the others weeping, He was deeply moved in the spirit and troubled. When they took him to Lazarus….. He wept. As I read this part, I was reminded, Jesus never told us not to cry. He is okay with us having a good cry now and then.
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8
As you go through this journey on earth, remember this:
Share your heart with the Lord
Be real with Him
Fully surrender, even when it doesn’t make sense
Place your hope and trust in Him
Cry when you need to
Remember His ways are not our ways
Surround yourself with Godly friends who will stand with you, cry with you, love you and always point you back to His Word.
Written by Collette Sawyer