I’m Listening

The song, “I’m Listening” by Chris McClarney has been in my spirit for several months. Here are some of the lyrics:

There is hope in every single word You say
I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
‘Cause everything You say is life to me

The first time I heard this song, I thought to myself, this is amazing!!  I sent it to all my family and friends and didn’t understand why they were not as excited about this song as I was. Later I realized the Lord was using this song to prepare my spirit for something I was getting ready to go through.

I have been walking out a situation where I have desperately needed to hear God’s voice clearly, so in an attempt to listen to Him, I have been meditating on the lyrics of this song by singing it with my whole heart. Yet I still continue to struggle to trust what he is telling me.  Can anyone relate?

God wants us to believe that He really wants what is best for us.  Isaiah 46:10 says:

Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.”

God knows our future. His Holy Spirit will guide our every step, God wants us to trust Him!! When God speaks to us, we need to trust we are hearing His voice and not the voice of a stranger.

I really felt like I have trusted God for many years through several adversities I have faced until the recent situation I mentioned above. I realized that I still find myself looking for confirmation and validation in other people. I had to ask myself why? Is it because I really don’t think God loves me enough to answer, or is it because I lack confidence in truly knowing my value in Him?

Maybe like many of you reading this, we as adults have daddy issues. I know I felt like my dad wasn’t really involved in my life as a child and honestly not really involved to this day, which I am sure helped create some trust issues. If we have a hard time trusting our earthly father, we are more than likely going to have a difficult time trusting our heavenly father.

The fact is I know God wants what is best for me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

We should constantly be self-evaluating to make sure that our relationship and motives with God are pure and trusting. God loves us and wants what is best for us, more than we even want for ourselves.

God’s blessings are all around us, we just need to open our spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the goodness of our Father. He already has the plan and the way out, regardless of how big or small our situation may be.God's blessings are all around us, we just need to open our spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the goodness of our Father. Share on X

Here are a few scriptures I have been standing on – they help me remember that God wants for me.

He preserves our lives and keeps our feet from slipping. Psalm 66:9

A man’s heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Proverbs 16:9 NLT  

Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in his kindness. But if you stop trusting, you also will be cut off. Romans 11:22 NLT

I have been meditating on Psalm 23- A Psalm of David -I encourage you all to read.

I have not received all God has for me. But, in my recent quiet times, the Lord has begun to show me how to better trust Him. HE DOES LOVE ME AND WANTS WHAT IS BEST.

Here is another song – I listen to every single day- It is like a can’t get enough ..

“Goodness of God

Bethel Music

All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

I know that all my life God has been faithful and so, so good and because of this with every breath I choose to praise and worship Him.  I choose to open my spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the goodness of our Father! God, I’M LISTENING!

Billie Sue