Choose to Believe

Like many of you I have deep prayer requests that I have prayed many times. I know God is faithful and my hope is truly in Him; however, there are times when I get weary. There are times when doubt enters my mind. Friends, these are the times we have to CHOOSE to believe the Word of God.

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. 2 Corinthians 1:20

During these times I’ve had to capture my thoughts. I put on worship music and I praise God for everything He has done in my life! I praise God for everything He is doing, and will be doing in my life! I praise God for changed lives around me because I serve and trust in Him! I start quoting scriptures and I praise God for the salvation of my dearest and most beloved friend, my husband.

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Hebrew 10:23

I married an amazing man 27 years ago. I knew the Lord; however, I was not serving Him at that time. I rededicated my life to God about 22 years ago and I have been serving Him ever since. But, not my husband, he believes there is a higher “force” in this world, but not sure about God and Satan.

To say Jerry and I have an extraordinary life together is an understatement; he truly is my best friend! Not only is he a great husband and Dad, he has never once tried to stop me from going to Church, having ladies over for prayer meetings, and ministry planning meetings. He has never complained when I leave in a hurry to go pray with someone. He has always been supportive of me. Jerry was beside me as I finished Bible School and was ordained this past year.

Through these last 20 some years God has sent three different people my way to say; hold on, Jerry is coming! As a matter of fact, that was the exact phrase each one has used; hold on, Jerry is coming. Sometimes though, I can get very frustrated! I mean God has done some pretty big miracles in my life; Jerry has been my husband through several of them. I have been holding on for over 20 years! How can he not give his life to Christ?

So when this last wave of worry and doubt set in, God lead me to Luke 1:45, Blessed is she who hasbelieved that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her. I know I heard Him whisper to me; hold on, Jerry is coming.

I had such a beautiful peace and excitement come over me! The following week my dear friends gave me some lovely gifts for my ordination. Guess what scripture was on the journal I received?

Blessed is she who has BELIEVED that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!

So no matter how long you have been holding on to your heart’s desire, NEVER give up! Choose to believe in God’s promises; He is so faithful! Hold on, it is coming!

By Tammie Beyer