I am reminded of how God delivered the children of Israel out of Pharaoh’s hand from Egypt through Moses; He wanted them to go to the Promise Land because He loves his children, but they murmured and complained, so they lost favor and wandered in the desert for forty years. Only Joshua, Caleb and the younger generation entered the Promise Land.

Think about David. God delivered him from the lions, and he slew a bear. David was a shepherd boy who loved the Lord. He believed God for all he needed. He was delivered from hand of Saul who tried to kill him, because his heart was right, God delivered him.
I remember Queen Esther who because of her obedience saved the Jews from being killed. They were delivered. Then there was Daniel who was delivered from the King’s decree that all must bow down to other gods. Daniel refused and he was spared. Joseph also was delivered from his brothers who wanted to murder him. But God had other plans for his life. Through many trials, he was able to feed a nation. He saved his family from starving by listening to God on how to save grain and food during a famine. God delivered his people once again. God also delivered people from hunger when he fed the five thousand with two loaves and five fish. What a powerful miracle!

There are so many times in the Bible where God delivered people because of His great love to all of mankind. But the greatest deliverance is when He sent His son to die on the cross for us and to deliver us from our sin and shame. He wants us to look to him for our deliverance. So why not look to Him and ask to be delivered from whatever you need to be delivered from?
I know from experience He will do it because He delivered me from sin, shame and poverty. His word is full of promises for us to reach out and ask for what we need. We have a Savior who paid the price for it all. Do you want your family to be delivered, your children, your spouse, your friends? What about those around you who need to be delivered that don’t know Christ? Never give up. Keep seeking, keep knocking. He will hear and answer you. How do I know? 1 John 5:14-15 says, Now this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him. NKJV.
Deliverance is ours for the asking. Our God wants to set us free from anything that puts us in bondage, and enslaves us. Don’t let the enemy hold you back for what is rightfully yours. Jesus paid the ultimate price, receive your deliverance and be set free. Amen

Cindy Keener
I am a child of the most-High God and wife to a godly husband, Dennis, for over 34 years, a mother of 3 grown children, 13 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren. My greatest gift I have is to love people with the love of the Lord. I love to talk to the Lord and pray for others, and to see people become to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.