God Glasses
People wear glasses for different reasons; they may be farsighted, nearsighted, or have astigmatism. I remember my first pair of glasses. The eye doctor gave me my prescription and off I went to the eyeglass store to pick out the perfect pair. I remember vividly while I was holding a bin filled with several pairs of glasses, the technician at the store was reading my prescription and said the word “bifocal” out loud. I literally dropped the bin of glasses and responded to him in shock and disbelief. I could not believe that my very first pair of glasses needed to have bifocals! Fast forward to the day I picked up by glasses and wore them for the first time; my focus became clear and my perspective toward bifocals radically changed.
Perspective; also known as your viewpoint, POV, stance, interpretation, and frame of mind, is how you view the world. Matthew 6:22 (Message) “Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light”. Imagine seeing the world from God’s perspective instead of the world’s perspective. Imagine life in place of death, peace in place of turmoil, and freedom in place of bondage.
The easiest way to see the world from God’s perspective is to put on your “God Glasses” and see the world that God loves so much just the way that He sees it! John 3:16 (NIRV) “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life.” “God Glasses” allow you to see the beauty of God’s creation all around you; they allow you to see God’s perspective of the world.
The photograph that goes along with this blog is one that I took several years ago; it is a photograph depicting perspective. The original photograph is all in color and is filled with leaves; nothing special, in fact, pretty ordinary. When I was out walking and taking photographs, what caught my eye and caused me to stop was the sun shining through the trees onto one grouping of leaves. My goal as I edited the photograph was to bring the beauty of what my eye saw to fruition. I wanted everyone who looked at this photograph to see the beauty of God’s creation as I saw it; I had my “God Glasses” on and I wanted everyone to see what I saw as I was taking the photograph. I feel I succeeded in my goal; this photograph received an honorable mention in a photography contest and to this day is one of my favorites and hangs on my wall.
You too can wear your “God Glasses”; just imagine how your perspective will change! Put your God Glasses on first thing when you wake up and do not take them off until you lay your head to rest. When you look into the mirror, you will see God’s Beautiful Creation looking back at you. When you step outside, you will stand in awe as you gaze upon the beauty of the world that God created just for you. When you are tempted to get upset with others during the day, your “God Glasses” will allow you to see the person and the situation through God’s eyes.
When you gaze upon the world through the eyes of God, your perspective shifts from everything that is bad to everything that is good. Mediate on Philippians 4:8-9 (Message) “Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies” and do not forget to wear your “God Glasses”.
written by Lois Cordes