Before you read this blog on “Words,” I would like to say a prayer:
“Father, I ask You to open up Your knowledge of these words to those reading so that the understanding of Your Knowledge will allow them to clearly see how to apply Your instructions to their life with Your wisdom and Your discernment. As you open this knowledge to them, may they grasp Your life instructions so that they can operate every moment of their lives in the character of Jesus. Father, make them aware that a word standing out, catching their attention, like coming off the page at them, is your Holy Spirit impressing upon them and that You want them to pause, and consider for a moment and get the precise definition of exactly what is being said and that You are instructing them thereby, moving, and impressing them, to dig deeper! I ask this in the Name of Jesus!”
Christ Jesus is our Cornerstone! Christ Jesus is our foundation! As we build ourselves in Him, we are transforming into His image, into the “Cornerstone!”
Allow me to make one suggestion here of the many resources available: to utilize the resource of a Strong’s Concordance to go back to the original Hebrew and Greek meaning of the word. Hebrew for Old Testament, Greek for New Testament, and you will be amazed at the depth of understanding the Holy Spirit will begin to open up to you with the original definition.
Holy Spirit Sparks our Curiosity
Now, let’s get into this! Have you ever been reading the Bible, and as you are reading, one or more words stand out that would catch your attention? How about you hear someone quote a scripture, and as you are listening, you hear a word or words that cause you to go wow! What does that “really” mean?
This has happened to me! I was reading Ephesians chapter 2: 20B and it states, “with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief cornerstone.”
“Cornerstone?” Why would Paul use the illustration of Jesus being our “Cornerstone?”
The “cornerstone” is the stone laid first in the construction of the building. That “cornerstone” ensures that the building is square and stable. It is a specific rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests.
As Paul describes Jesus as the “Chief Cornerstone” he is saying this “Cornerstone” ensures the stability of the whole foundation of our salvation and the “Chief Cornerstone” of our faith! Jesus is the only plan of Salvation. Isaiah 28: 16; “Therefore thus says the Lord behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious stone, a sure foundation.”
1st Corinthians 3:9a states, “for we are God’s fellow workers, you are God’s field, you are God’s building.” Jesus, the “Chief Cornerstone” of our faith, brings unity to the body of Christ!
Christ Jesus is our Cornerstone! Christ Jesus is our foundation! As we build ourselves in Him, we are transforming into His image, into the “Cornerstone!”
Holy Spirit Illuminates Words to Study Further
I would like to share with you another scripture that I heard spoken. Pastor Tom was ministering, and the scripture he spoke was Psalms 5: 12. Surely, Lord, you bless the “righteous;” you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
There are three words that stood out to me. Righteous, favor, shield. I started thinking about what these words really mean in this scripture. I began looking up each word to gain knowledge and understand the scripture’s true meaning.
Righteous= right standing with God, the condition of being in right relationship with the Lord.
Favor= pleasure delight, goodwill, and acceptance, God stepping into the situation.
Shield= standing shield, massive barrier, covers a soldier’s entire body, thus implying and providing protection from harm.
This is the Scripture Psalms 5: 12 with the meaning “surely, Lord, you bless the righteous (being in right relationship with God, you surround them with your favor, (God stepping into one situation) as with a shield (standing shield, massive barrier.)
In Psalms 5:12, God promises us that he “blesses” the righteous, meaning we choose every day to be in a right relationship with Him so He will surround us with His favor. God’s pleasure, His delight, his goodwill, and His acceptance surround us as an object of defense, a shield—it is a massive barrier!
This tells me that when the enemy tries to discourage me or steal my joy or peace, he can’t unless I allow him. He may even want to shake my faith and make me doubt God, but he can’t, unless I allow him.
Why? The enemy’s attacks, those weapons formed against me, cannot prosper because I have God’s protective shield “as I discipline, conduct, regulate my life = my thoughts, my speech, my actions, my desires, my emotions, my passions, and my purpose to be focused on His purpose to always be in obedience to the knowledge and understanding He has made known unto me.
In studying the meaning of the words in Psalms 5: 12, I was brought to the Scripture, Psalms 84: 11: “For the Lord God is our sun and shield, the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”
This affirms what Psalms 5:12 says; God gives us favor and honor and blesses those who conduct their life in obedience to His life instructions.
It is amazing when we read God’s Word or hear His Word how we will have a word or words to stand out that moves, beckons, us to get us to go deeper into the meaning of that specific word or words!
So, I encourage you, as you read or hear God’s Word, to be alert when there is a word or words that stand out! Search it out, and see what hidden pearls of great price you might discover! What greater depth Father is leading you into!
Blessings, my Sisters In the Lord, and may His Joy continue to be the strength that you use to conduct your lives today and every day!

Paula Mace
I love being a wife, mother, and grandmother. I was blessed to have been born in a family where my dad was in the ministry. My love, Wilson Mace, is my husband who I have been married to this September, for 34 years. Melissa, Ryan, and LaVonne are three beautiful gifts from God.