
I had worked all day getting packed and ready for our trip. I left instructions with our daughter about what plants to water and when to take the trash out and pick up the mail. I packed sandwiches for an airport picnic before we boarded the plane for our flight.

Everything was going according to plan! My husband and I were flying to Florida to visit dear friends and we were excited! We arrived at the airport and found seats at the gate where we could see the gate agents while we ate our “preflight” meal.

A crowd seemed to be gathering in front of Gate A9, and then we see the message on the board, “Delayed”. The flight had been delayed for 45 minutes. No worries! We had strategically planned our connecting flight in Dallas to give us a little room for the unexpected. The 45 minutes ticked away and then the agent made her next announcement: “This flight has been delayed for another 5 hours and the flight following it has been cancelled.”

Now we were concerned. There was no way we would make our connecting flight and it seemed our plans were crumbling. In that moment I could have had a fit, frustrated that things were not going as I had planned – I saw several angry passengers taking that route. I could have pridefully demanded answers as to “why is this flight delayed and what’s going to be done about it?” I could have had a pity party crying “I spent all day getting ready for this trip! We deserve a weekend away!”

The Holy Spirit immediately brought Proverbs 19:21 to my mind: “People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord’s will is going to be done.”

Now I’m not saying that God did not want me to take a trip to balmy Florida with my husband because His Word tells me that He “fills my life with good things”. (Psalm 103:5)

What I felt the Lord reminding me that day in the airport is that I can trust Him when the unexpected happens, and when my plans are delayed, even when I don’t understand the reasons why.

Proverbs 3:5 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Human understanding is limited. We make our plans and decisions based on our limited view, and our limited wisdom, which is based on our limited knowledge of the facts. Our God is a God of ALL wisdom and ALL knowledge. He knows all the facts and He sees the whole picture.

But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are His.” Job 12:13

Sometimes our plans are not just about destinations. Sometimes the plan that is delayed is a dream God has put in your heart, the salvation of a loved one or a physical healing. Sometimes the plan is a path you were sure was the right way to go. Sometimes the plan is something that seems logically good.

No matter what your plan is, if it gets delayed, or even cancelled altogether, take a deep breath and trust that God is in control. God knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and we are assured that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)

So, the rest of my story, did we make it to Florida? Yes! We found out the DFW airport had closed that day due to bad weather, and some planes that made emergency landings with safety issues. We delayed our trip a few days and flew without a hitch, having a wonderful time being with friends and in perfect weather. The delay made us more grateful for God’s protection, provision, and blessings.

There is often purpose in the process of the wait, and not just in the outcome. God’s ways are always higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) He will not fail to work things out for your best.

Written by Kim Hughes