Last week while I was praying, God gave me a vision. It seems so silly to even say that. It seems “religious”, which I’ve always steered clear of. I’ve always just tried to live my life for Jesus, as a good example, being real, and learning so much along the way. But seriously, the more our church has studied Ephesians Read More
Don’t Postpone Joy
Last year marked something new, something different. Things started shifting and moving. I’ve been locked in and locked out. I’ve been shut in and shut up. I’ve been passionate. Sometimes a little too passionate. I’ve spoken when I should have remained silent and remained silent when I should have spoken. I’ve felt this urgency, an urgency I can’t explain. And Read More
Have You Ever Thought?
Have you ever thought about Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? Luke 4:1-13. The Holy Spirit lead Jesus, the Holy Spirit was with Jesus. Just like the Holy Spirit is with us and in us. John 14:16-17 JESUS KNEW HIS ENEMY I thought to myself, wow, Jesus, you were willing Read More
What is Your Level of Hope?
I recently won a book about the science of hope at a training I was attending. Several interesting conversations sprang up around this topic. The one that really caught my attention was, “what is your level of hope?” It was thought-provoking to hear others’ beliefs and opinions. The group I was with began to consider where each of us was regarding Read More
Outdo One Another in Showing Honor
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” – Romans 12:10 (ESV) What does it mean to honor others? To understand what honor means, let’s look at Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology definition: “To honor others is to appreciate, value, and respect them. It means to recognize the full worth and importance of a person”. Read More
Just Thinking of Thoughts
I recently shared a story about one of the things I would do when I was angry or frustrated as a teenager. I would ask one of my brothers to go with me to the playground of our neighborhood school. We would take a baseball and bat with us. I would have him pitch the ball to me and I would Read More
The Truth! The Whole Truth! And Nothing But The Truth! That’s My God!
I have a confession to make! I do not watch the News very often or the History Channel or the Discovery Channel or many other channels. More often than not I want to throw my shoe through the television because of the perpetual Lie that the World lives under! There are only two realities in the entire Universe, the Truth and the Lie. Before Read More
Trials – Why Are They Necessary?
At this time in my life, you would think that things would be going pretty smoothly. But, alas, not so much! I find myself going through several different things in all areas of my life, much like most of you do, I’m sure. Life is made up of seasons in the bible, some are easy and restful, some are a Read More
Rain, Rain, Go Away
“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day . . .” – that’s what was playing in my head as I stared out the window at the dreary, rainy day. I was on a weekend retreat at a beautiful place by the lake, but stuck inside due to the weather. As I looked thru the window at the lake in Read More
My Safe Place!
Where is your safe place when everything seems to be falling apart? When the storms of life like big waves just keep trying to wash you away! Well for me, it has always been running to Jesus and worshiping Him. When I get my eyes off the waves and all the emotions that come with the hurt and frustration, I Read More