Celebrating our family’s 8-year anniversary this month at Common Ground Church. What a journey it has been. Some of my little thoughts on staying planted: It’s easy to want to pack up and leave sometimes. Don’t quit. Stay faithful. When you are so full you’re bored, serve. When you’re empty from serving, rest and refill. Mentor someone. Don’t be late! Read More
Face-to- Face Encounters
As believers with the Spirit of God living inside us, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). We have also been given everything pertaining to godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence (II Peter 1:3). Colossians 2:9-10 (NASB) says, “For in Read More
Be Happy
What is true happiness? Philosophers, scholars, and psychologists have pondered this question and offered us definition after definition. However, because their ideas of happiness are based on human wisdom, the kind of happiness they offer is only fleeting; it relies on self-gratification and external factors instead of internal peace. Jesus, on the other hand, shows us a way to true Read More
Don’t Let Go of His Promises!
God is a promise keeper! “The Lord is faithful to ALL His promises and loving toward ALL He has made” Psalm 145:13. This does not mean we will not face challenges just because we are believers.. BUT God will turn all things meant for evil to our good and His Glory! Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God Read More
Salt-Life: Living a Life Well Seasoned, Part Two
We continue our discussion on what it means to be “the salt of the earth” that Jesus said His disciples are. In our last blog, we talked about why Jesus compared us to salt, what salt is, and how as followers of Jesus, we can be the salt of the earth. Today we continue with 7 uses for salt and Read More
Salt-Life: Living a Life Well Seasoned, Part One
Have you ever seen those bumper stickers that say “Salt Life” with the picture of a sea turtle or a palm tree? I first saw them on cars in Hawaii and California almost 20 years ago. They were created by three guys in Florida that were passionate about the ocean and all the activities in and around it like fishing, Read More
Refocus: Three Ways to Have Real Peace
Do you ever get overwhelmed with work? Do you ever get overwhelmed with kids? How about bills, spouse, money, having a nice house, driving a nice car, etc., etc., etc…? I get overwhelmed with these things and many more all the time. When is the raise going to happen? I have been waiting 3 years (truth, I have been waiting Read More
The 4 W’s of the Unstoppable Woman
Just who is the unstoppable woman? What makes her unstoppable? As I share with you four characteristics of the unstoppable woman, I want to encourage you to read each scripture. Consider looking the scriptures up in your Bible. Highlight the ones that speak to your heart. Write them on an index card and choose one a day to meditate on. Read More
What is Your Treasure?
As I was listening to the Pastors message “On Purpose,” a passage he read really caught my attention! Matt 6:22 “for where your “treasure” is there your heart will be also.” This passage got me thinking, “treasure” what is our treasure? It is something we place great worth or consider as valuable. What could be of great worth or what Read More
Hello, let’s talk about unstoppable faith. The Bible tells us that we serve an unstoppable God, doesn’t it? Girls, do you ever wish you had a stronger faith or a closer relationship with God? That you were unstoppable? I do — all the time, I can remember being a young mother going to Church, seeing older Christian women who seemed Read More