We look at people every day, but are we really seeing them? Looking involves only a moment in time, but seeing, yes, seeing, requires more from us. Seeing people requires taking in information, empathizing, sympathizing, and having compassion that moves us to action just like Jesus was moved. Read More
The Element of Surprise
I love to give good gifts to my children. Whether it’s a birthday, Easter, Christmas, an out-of-town trip, or just a random Wednesday after school. I love to see the look of surprise spread across their faces as they gasp and take in the fact that I loved them enough to think of them. You can almost feel the memory Read More
Surrender or Fear? You Choose
What keeps you awake at night? What weighs on your heart? What causes you worry, distress, or fear? For some of you, the answers may come quickly and easily. You may feel like the list is too long to even mention. Others of you may not currently be battling anything that would cause concern. If so, consider yourself blessed! Some Read More
The Holy Spirit: The Only Power Source You Need
You never know how much you depend on something until it’s gone. Take power, for example. Without power, not only are we without light and heat, but we can’t charge our cell phones. Sure, light and heat are important, but we can burn something and stay warm, right? But without cell phones – what do we do? I mean, my life Read More
God Will Deliver YOU!
Deliverance is ours for the asking. Our God wants to set us free from anything that puts us in bondage, and enslaves us. Don’t let the enemy hold you back for what is rightfully yours. Jesus paid the ultimate price, receive your deliverance and be set free. Read More
How To Hear From God
Have you ever felt like you don’t know how to hear from God? I know I have. I use to look at others around me and wonder why do you hear from God and I don’t. I pray, I talk to Him, and ask Him questions but all I hear is silence. A few years ago, I started really trying Read More
The Cross: It Was All for Us!
When I think of the cross, I’m reminded of what Jesus went to the cross for.. ALL OF US! John 3:16 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. I’m reminded when Jesus hung on the Cross, and the darkness overtook the land. Matthew Read More
What happens when a person is offended in a church and that offense is never dealt with? That offense takes over and the devil has succeeded at his job. He has caused that person to move out of the will of God. And that person will move on to the next church still harboring that offense and never growing up Read More
Good Friday: Always On His Mind
I have been reflecting today, Good Friday, on the sacrifice that Jesus made for the whole world. The History Channel aired a special about crucifixion, which I watched. They talked of Jesus and the excruciating pain he experienced as he suffered on the cross. We get the word “excruciating” from the word “crucifixion”. It is the most horrific, gruesome way Read More
Equipped Beyond My Ability
My pastor often says, “if you can achieve your dream on your own, it is not big enough.” God is calling us to go beyond our own abilities, talents, and resources. Do you have a word you are clinging to for this year, or for the season you are currently in? I am not talking about simply choosing a “word” Read More