The Gates to Your Heart

Gates. I hadn’t given much thought to them until recently. It seemed every time I opened my Bible; there they were: Lot sitting in the gate, God promising Abraham he’d possess his enemies’ gates, David commanding gatesto lift their heads, God breaking down gates, and Jesus calling himself “the gate.” Deciding to dig a little deeper, I found that the Bible mentions gates over 400 Read More

Need Spiritual Tuning?

In music, tuning an instrument means getting it ready so that when it is played it will sound at the correct pitch: not too high or too low. When two or more instruments play together it is particularly important that they are in tune with one another. This applies to the body of Christ as well. No matter what instrument Read More

Wisdom Before Beauty!

I was out walking along the river one day late last fall; it was an unusually warm day, and I definitely had dressed too warm! I slipped my shoes off and stuck my feet into the water to cool off a bit. WOW!! Now, that is what I call refreshing!  As I was strolling along the water’s edge, I was Read More

Stitched Down

Recently I was visiting with my nephew about teaching him to sew on a button or hem a pair of pants, and what a valuable skill that is.  In fact, many of us will not buy clothing if the fit is not perfect – if the pants or the sleeves are too long because we don’t have the skill to Read More

Spiritual Blessings

Has God ever put something on your heart so strongly that it’s hard to focus on other things? Matter of fact you feel like you’re redundant in the things you post and say? Well He has mine and it’s about living from our inheritance.   He wants us to live victorious lives, not defeated Christians. Let’s look at some of the Read More


I’ve always been a very protective momma. If I felt my children were being dealt with unfairly in any situation, I would immediately come to their defense. My oldest son, Blake, as a small child was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It was a real struggle trying to figure out how to help him. I went to counseling classes, Read More

Jesus IS the Reason for the Season!

The Holiday season is in full force! We, as women, try to take control and handle ALL of the Holiday planning, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, and everything else! ALL of these things bring with them stress, disappointment, and overindulgence if we lose sight of what is really important. We have all heard the saying, “Jesus is the reason for the Read More

If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?

“If God is sovereign, why pray?”  This is a question I have pondered over the past few months.  Like me, you may have prayed for something, really believed it was God’s will…. But the answer didn’t come. At least not what you prayed for.    Often, friends offer encouragement by saying something like:  “Well, it must not have been God’s will.”  Read More

What is FAMILY?

What is FAMILY? Webster’s dictionary defines family as “a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household”. Webster’s dictionary gives us a good starting point to build from when defining FAMILY; however, it does not tell us what FAMILY means to us in our day-to-day life. To help answer the question, “What is FAMILY?”, we need to Read More