Sticky Messes

It was a hot summer day, somewhere in the middle of the three months, highly anticipated, vacation break. My four kids had been enjoying the freedom of our new beautiful home, all the new neighbor friends, and just a laid-back schedule in general. They were living their best life! I had just picked up and put away my grocery order Read More

You Can Make A Difference!

Do you ever question how God can use you? Maybe you see the pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries and doubt that what you have to offer can ever measure up. It’s time for you to realize there is something invaluable you can give to others. It costs nothing, but can mean everything. What is it? Encouragement! When Saul (later to Read More

Message Not Received

Confidence is defined as the quality or state of being sure. Self-confidence is essential for success, but even more vital than self-confidence is God-confidence. Without God-confidence, molehills can morph into mountains, and grasshoppers can seem like giants. The writer of Hebrews reminds us: So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.You need to persevere so that when you have done Read More

#winning the battle

Over 20 years ago, one of my battles was depression.  This depression was brought on by an emotional divorce that I didn’t think I would ever recover from.  During this period, my children and I lived in Pryor, and my kids were attending Victory Christian School in Tulsa, which was about an hour drive each way.  I would make the Read More

True Friendship

friend noun \ ˈfrend  \ 1. person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile. “A true friend is a “favored companion” for whom we feel affection or esteem, someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself- and especially to feel. Or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment Read More

Shining in the Dark

When I was expecting my oldest daughter, I wanted to paint the ceiling of the nursery like the sky – bright blue with puffy white clouds.  I found this amazing glow-in-the-dark paint to paint stars on the sky ceiling.  During the day and with the nursery light on, you could only see the clouds and the sky.  But at night, Read More

Willing and Obedient

Am I really willing and obedient when it comes to my walk with the Lord?  Am I really trusting and obeying Him in all areas? What does that even look like? “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the best of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword.” For the Read More

Final Wish

Have you ever been faced with making some decisions that were incredibly hard to make? My friends, I have, and I know I’m not the only one. When my mother had a massive stroke, she was brain dead (for lack of a better term), and some catastrophic decisions had to be made. Those decisions were laid on my shoulders.  Am Read More

Triple Dog Dare

Last week I caught my two oldest children being, what we southern folk like to call, UGLY, to one another. What their Daddy and I witnessed was the two of them teasing, strong-arming, and spitting in each other’s faces. I put a stop to the foolishness and like any good parent, took it a step further and said, “We use Read More

What is Shaping You?

Who or what is shaping your life?  Most of us are shaped by the world; however, there are a few who will be shaped by the Word of God.  Here are a few things that have shaped my life: my childhood, environment, family, friends, MY thoughts, and then the best of all, the Word of God.  Have you ever heard the saying Read More