I’ve known I was empty for quite some time. I went from a place of grief to a steady and constant push to be what I thought others needed me to be. “Don’t give up!” I told myself. Words of a mentor echoed over and over in my head, “He is taking you from glory to glory.” Ok, God, let’s Read More


Have you ever avoided a difficult conversation because you don’t like conflict? Maybe you’ve noticed a family member or a friend going the “wrong way,” but you couldn’t bring yourself to risk your relationship with them by speaking the truth. I know I have. Confrontation makes me uncomfortable. I’ve overlooked and ignored things, instead choosing to remain silent because I Read More

I’m Listening

The song, “I’m Listening” by Chris McClarney has been in my spirit for several months. Here are some of the lyrics: There is hope in every single word You say I don’t wanna miss one word You speak ‘Cause everything You say is life to me The first time I heard this song, I thought to myself, this is amazing!!  Read More


Has anyone ever been waiting on God for something? Anything at all? I know I have been waiting on GOD for several things, some for a very long time, and some for just a short time.    God says to come to him with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to let our requests be made known to Him (Phil 4:6). Read More


I had worked all day getting packed and ready for our trip. I left instructions with our daughter about what plants to water and when to take the trash out and pick up the mail. I packed sandwiches for an airport picnic before we boarded the plane for our flight. Everything was going according to plan! My husband and I Read More

Sticky Messes

It was a hot summer day, somewhere in the middle of the three months, highly anticipated, vacation break. My four kids had been enjoying the freedom of our new beautiful home, all the new neighbor friends, and just a laid-back schedule in general. They were living their best life! I had just picked up and put away my grocery order Read More

You Can Make A Difference!

Do you ever question how God can use you? Maybe you see the pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries and doubt that what you have to offer can ever measure up. It’s time for you to realize there is something invaluable you can give to others. It costs nothing, but can mean everything. What is it? Encouragement! When Saul (later to Read More