I work in the early childhood field, and we tell teachers frequently, “What you focus on you get more of.” What we are trying to convey is if you focus on a negative behavior, you will get more of it. If you focus on the positive, you will see more behaviors that are positive. The same is true as Read More
Fighting For Change
It’s time, we all need to be fighting for change. First, we have to change ourselves. To do that we need to know which areas of our lives need more God. We all have some area in our lives where we need to let Jesus in. Just stop here for a moment….take a deep cleansing breath, hold it, slowly Read More
There have been two times in my life where I was asked; “if money was not an object what would you do?” I was thinking about that not too long ago, what would I do if money wasn’t an object, and as I was sitting there daydreaming of all the things I could and would do, God spoke to my Read More
In His Presence 24/7
Psalm 27:4 AMP “ One thing have I ask of the Lord, that will I seek and inquire for, and insistently require; that I may DWELL in the house of the Lord, in His presence all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty, the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness of the Lord and to Read More
I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on listening. Not even close. As a friend, I catch myself interrupting others. As a wife I find myself zoning out while my husband tells me about his monotonous workday, and as a mother I find myself blocking out all noise pertaining to my four dear children. I like my music loud. I like Read More
It’s All In A Name
Every day God reveals himself to us. He beckons us to come closer, to see Him for who he is. He gives us glimpses of his glory through that sunset we cannot stop looking at, that thunderstorm that leaves us breathless. Creation clearly displays God’s power and glory. (Romans 1:2) Not only does God reveal himself to us through His Read More
A Perspective on the Pandemic
The world is focused on the pandemic and there is no doubt it is a powerful virus, but some people have elevated it to a place in their lives and thinking where it should not be. As believers in God and as those who have put our hope and trust in Jesus, we can make it through this time stronger. Read More
Blink of an Eye
During these uncertain times, we are living with a global pandemic and having to practice social distancing. I have had more than enough time to really seek God in prayer. As I was praying one evening, the thought came to me, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. In the blink of an eye, literally, everything changed. Suddenly we couldn’t attend Read More
God’s Everlasting Love Never Fails
In these uncertain times, it is easy to fall into a state of fear, or anxiety but the word says in Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and Read More
Hope Below the Surface
Spring has sprung as the old saying goes! I love this time of year! Dreary days of barren trees and colorless landscapes suddenly respond to the warming temperatures and the abundance of rain. Every day it seems I see new evidence of life bursting into reality. Branches begin to swell with buds that slowly unveil new leaves or beautiful blooms. Read More