When I think of January, I think of new beginnings, a fresh start to hear from the Lord and draw closer to Him. For me personally, it means spending time in His presence, listening for that still small voice to give me direction and guidance for the coming year and to show me how I can help others and get closer to God.
We cannot change the past, nor can we predict the future. Only God knows what He holds for us in that future. We can only let go of the past and look forward to the future by surrendering to His will for our lives. I know I haven’t always been in a place of surrender with the Lord. Sometimes, circumstances and life got in my way and kept me from hearing from the Lord. It made life harder because when you are out of the will of God, things are more difficult. You don’t hear His voice so clearly, and you make wrong decisions. But God, in His great love for us, knows how to bring us back to the place we need to be in. So don’t be discouraged. He has you in the palm of his hands.
NKJV Isaiah 49:16 “See, I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands; your walls are continually before me”.
We know we are living in the last days, and it is so important to know what He wants for our lives, to know the word of God, and to stand confident in all He has for us without fear, regret, and disappointment. As Christians, we want to please our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for all He has done for us and to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. So, let us seek God with all our heart, mind, and strength so that we can be the person God called us to be. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy or cause you not to fulfill the calling God has on your life. Just remember it’s not your will to be done, but His will for you to have an abundant life in Him. I know I want for myself and others to experience the great love God has for us. There is nothing on this earth that compares to being in the presence of God, to hear His voice, to know we are pleasing our Heavenly Father. I know I can never repay our Lord and Savior for all He has done in my own life. The many times He has spared my life from destruction and, yes, even death from my own stupid decisions. So, I want to show Him how much I love him by surrendering to His will for my life. I know I fall short at times, but we must all get back up and keep going. Don’t ever give up or quit on your calling. He will see you through. Amen.

Cindy Keener
I am a child of the most-High God and wife to a godly husband, Dennis, for over 34 years, a mother of 3 grown children, 13 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren. My greatest gift I have is to love people with the love of the Lord. I love to talk to the Lord and pray for others, and to see people become to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.