You Can Make A Difference!

Do you ever question how God can use you? Maybe you see the pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries and doubt that what you have to offer can ever measure up. It’s time for you to realize there is something invaluable you can give to others. It costs nothing, but can mean everything. What is it? Encouragement!

When Saul (later to be called Paul) had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, many of the believers wanted nothing to do with him because he was known for persecuting Christians. (I can’t really blame them!) But one man believed in him. Joseph, who was given the name Barnabas by the disciples, because it means “Son of Encouragement,” believed in Saul. Barnabas brought him before the apostles and explained the encounter he had with Jesus. Who knows what might have happened if Barnabas had not reached out and encouraged him?

We live in a time when so many are stressed, distressed, depressed, confused, fearful, and angry. Some live in guilt and condemnation or they feel worthless. Some are just plain tired. Isaiah 35:3-4 says,

“Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious hearts, ‘Take courage, fear not.’”

Hebrews 10:25 says,

“This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.” (That day is referring to Christ’s return.)

Paul wrote a letter to Philemon and in verse 7 says,

“For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.”

We can refresh others – like a cool drink or cool breeze on a hot summer day.

A great scripture to pray over yourself is Isaiah 50:4,

“The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple.”

What a great attitude to start the day with! Who can I encourage and build up today?

With so many ways to communicate with others, we are without excuse when it comes to building others up. We can be used to encourage and refresh others. I challenge you to find a way to encourage at least one person every day – whether by phone, text, social media, a card, or getting together with someone that just needs a friend.

Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. You just may make a difference for eternity.

Written by Bonnie Hammer