I’ve always been a very protective momma. If I felt my children were being dealt with unfairly in any situation, I would immediately come to their defense.
My oldest son, Blake, as a small child was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It was a real struggle trying to figure out how to help him. I went to counseling classes, and talked with different doctors; I did a lot of research on ADHD. After many different treatment plans we finally found one that worked the best for Blake.
The school my son went to and his first grade teacher were so wonderful to work with. I was at the school many times during that year and they were always very encouraging and very helpful.
Then, Blake started second grade. I can remember him coming home very upset on his first day. When I asked what was wrong, he said his teacher told him he had to sit at the very front because he knew Blake was a difficult child and he was going to have none of that in his class. I can remember Blake’s small little voice as he asked me if he was a difficult boy. There was a fierceness that rose up in me as I held my son and told him he was not difficult, that he was brilliant and wonderfully made. That he was precious and destined for great things.
I was at the school the first thing in the morning, after a sleepless night. I kept telling myself to stay calm, surely there had to be a mistake. As soon as I introduced myself to his teacher, and told him who my son was, I could tell there was no mistake. He had already labeled Blake as a troublemaker. It was clear in his tone, his body language, and most definitely his spoken words. After acting like a momma bear I went to the office and made it clear my son would not be going back to his class. I was my son’s protector, and I took that job very seriously!
That is how God is with us; He is our protector and our shield.
Psalm 18:2
2 The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe.
We do not have to anguish, be anxious, or be discouraged when bad things happen in our lives. God is fighting our battles
“The LORD your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes…No man shall beable to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.”(Deuteronomy 1:30 and Joshua 1:5)
As protective as I am over the loved ones in my life, it doesn’t hold a candle to how protective God is over ours!