In the Bible, God performs astonishing miracles that reveal His nature and divine plans. These events showcase an extraordinary display of His power and presence in our world. These incredible events are more than just ancient tales; they are vivid reminders of His active involvement in human history and His unique actions in our lives, defying the limits of natural laws.
Psalm 86:10 (NCV) You are great and you do miracles. Only you are God.
Friend, God is still in the business of performing miracles today! These wonders are not mere stories; they are living realities, bursting with relevance in our lives. Remember the monumental sacrifice Jesus made on the cross? It was a defining historical moment that echoes through time, underscoring our vital role in this beautiful ongoing story.
Miracles should be woven into the fabric of our everyday lives! Instead of waiting for God to make the first move, we have the power to step into our divine purpose and act in unwavering faith. Our participation is key to bringing these miraculous moments into existence as part of our thrilling spiritual journey.
Matthew 17:20 “Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”
Miracles are divine, and some are jaw-dropping events that take us beyond human understanding, igniting a sense of wonder and recognition that God is vibrantly alive and active in the world around us. Imagine this: a miracle has three captivating components—it’s an unusual event that captures the attention of those around, defies natural explanations, and resonates as a stunning display of God’s handiwork! Embrace the excitement of miracles and be open to the extraordinary ways God can move in your life!
In the Bible, God’s miracles are also referred to as signs, wonders, and power. Miracles are acts of God that only He can do—they are beyond the realm of human understanding and ability.
Psalm 77:12–15 says: “I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What God is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. You with your arm redeemed your people, the children of Jacob and Joseph.”
There are a few things we can gather from these verses. When we ponder God’s works, we see His holiness. He performs miracles and makes His power known among people. He uses the strength of His arm to redeem His people. Our God of miracles doesn’t perform miracles merely to amuse us or show off. God’s miracles reveal Him to us by making His power evident in our lives and the world around us.
You can live a life full of miracles when you live a life full of GOD!!!
Tammie Beyer
I feel incredibly blessed to have been married to my best friend, Jerry, for over 32 years. Someday, we will be reunited in Heaven. I am a mother to three amazing adult children, one son in-law, and one daughter in-love. I am also Mimi to five extraordinary grandchildren who can do no wrong. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
I have attended CommonGround Church for over 20 years, where I am privileged to be involved in various ministries. By God's grace, I obtained a bachelor's degree in Christian Leadership and was ordained by my beloved pastors.
My passion for God is unquenchable, and my greatest wish is to be more like Him, to always be about His work, and to never doubt His promises. As it says in Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for one who believes."