In Over My Head


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In Over My Head

When I thought about this blog I had nothing in my mind to write about I mean zero! But than I was reminded to go back and look at my prayer journal and re-read what God has been speaking to me.

We sometimes forget all that God speaks to us while time and life are happening all around us. But as I began to read the prayers and words from the Lord it began to make more sense.

We go through our daily living and forget that the word is alive and also ‘living’ in us. God’s word is line upon line and takes us from glory to glory.  They are always attached. The word you got last year will be connected to another because God is always moving forward.  He does not think about yesterday.

He is in the future.  That place He is trying to get us to. But in our flesh we tend to think on past experiences.

Isaiah 43 says forget the former things.
It goes on to say …and give you a future.
There’s still something God has for us in the future.
Deut 8:7 for the Lord your God is bringing
You into a good land.  A land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills.

One of the things God revealed to me was surrender! Ouch! Who just squirmed in your seat?! We think initially that surrender is about giving up and letting something go, but God has us surrender to give us more.

We begin to surrender these things that we think we need or can’t live without.  But when we really surrender and give it all to God our relationship with him changes.

We find ourselves so occupied with ‘things’ and where can I put this or that, or if I clean this spot I can fit it in here.  Right? Am I talking to anyone out there?  Things we accumulate can actually overwhelm us at times taking away our productivity and peace. We get stressed out about what to do with it all!

Listen I’ve been through this process more than once, in fact it is a never ending process.  God doesn’t always require us to get rid of things or give them away, but He does want to know that we are willing. And honestly I’ve given things away and it was kind of emotional because there are memories attached , but there is healing and peace and a breath of fresh air that happens when we do.

It releases something in you.  A weight is lifted off. Heb 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, stripping off every weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us.  Things we try to hold onto can entangle us and become very heavy and weighty to our souls.

God has been wooing me to surrender more fully to Him and go deeper.  Take the next step, dive in to the deeper things and the mysteries of God.  But only when we truly surrender will He reveal these things to us. I recently wrote in my journal ‘God bid me to come to you’.  As I wrote those words I was like wait a minute what did you just write!  Well I can’t take it back now its out there it was written and I spoke it!  You know God formed the world with His words, so there it was out in the atmosphere of my life!   God is sneaky!  He knows what we need before we do.  So there it was Lord bid me to come. It’s in those moments that you realize God is asking you to surrender something.

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep truths and hidden secrets.  He knows what lies veiled in the darkness, pure light radiates from within Him.

So here I go into the deeper things with God.  I’m hungry for more and can no longer continue with the same old routines of man. I know there is so much more, so I trust God to show me. I lean not unto my own understanding but I lean harder into God trusting that this next path, that this next place is just another step into His purposes and plans for me.

So I step out into the deep.  I let myself!  No excuses.  God says step out into the deep and I will be with your every step. We pray, we cry, we ask, but than God says okay,  it’s time go a little deeper with me. It’s time to get rid of the weights, get rid of all the distractions in your life.  It’s scary I’m not gonna sugar coat it. So when you pray cry and ask be sure that God will respond with an answer.

It may not be what you want to hear, but be sure He will answer your requests.

So think about what you want or what you are wiling to do to go to the deeper places with God.

Psalm 21:2  You have given him his heart’s desire, and You have not withheld the request of his lips.  Selah

Written by Lori Singleton